Saturday, May 03, 2008

Take your child to work day

Aubrey finally got to participate in the North Kansas City Hospital Take your child to work day! She has been waiting to do this since she was little. You have to be age 7 and she had been looking forward to it for weeks. They had a neat little program where she got to go to different stations. She really liked the OR rotation where they got to see bones and instruments. They also had a infection station where they rubbed their hands with glow in the dark lotion and then they washed their hands and looked under a glow light to see if they still had any germs left. It was pretty cool. She has a mallot in her hand that is used to chip away bone.

Then last two pictures are of her and her friends at a Dancersize program for brownies. They had a little workshop and then put on a little program to Michael Jackson's Thriller.

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