Tuesday, July 11, 2006

We were kind of dorky tourist in Springfield! We went to Bass Pro as you can see Aubrey and Nick sitting with the large bear. Then we went to Grizzly, which is a big tool place Jay has always wanted to go to. Grizzly has very large and expensive tools. We then went to the Fantastic Caverns. I have been around Jay for the past 12 years and every time we go down south I always wonder about the caves. You see I never have been in a cave. Jay was appalled and proceeded to call my brothers and ask them if we did as kids and they said "No". Todd and Daniel had only been into caves as adults. My mom was clausterphobic and never wanted to go into caves when we went on family vacations, so Jay said "Lets go" $36 later, we toured the largest cave in Missouri. It was very interesting and educational and I am glad I finally got to experience it. Needless to say, I don't have the urge to do it every year.

Ok I have not figured out how to post more that 4 photos, so i will make more posts.

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