Monday, September 25, 2006

Howdy folks!

Aubrey was in the parade at the Liberty Fall Festival.

The girls were told to wear cowgirl wear and we had bought the pink cowboy hat at Silver Dollar City this past summer. Studio 10's main colors are pink and black so we had to get some pink boots. It was a great fall day and Aubrey loved being in the parade!

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what do you think?

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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Todd and Michelle had a baby boy named Lucas Todd Earhart today at 3:59pm

He weighed 6lbs and 15oz and was 18 inches long.

He was born by c-section so they will come home on saturday. He is a beautiful baby! Congratulations Todd and Michelle. We love baby Luke!

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Happy Birthday Baby Luke!!!

Todd and Michelle had a baby boy Lucas Todd on
September 20, 2006 at 3:59. He weighed 6lbs 15 oz, and was 18inches long.

We are so happy for them. Hope you enjoy the pictures.
Michelle had to have a c-section so they will be in the hospital until Sat.

Todd was so proud and Michelle was a trooper!

Will post more later.

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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Happy Birthday Dad!

This weekend was my dad's 57th birthday. We went to Stockton Lake to spend the weekend with him. Here are some pictures of Jacks! He
turned 7 on August 22. 49 in dog years and boy does he look
like it. He is huge, going gray, and can't get around too well.

Dad has some friends that have a house boat and Aubrey had a blast going down their slide. I caught her in mid flight.

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happy Labor Day 2 days late

I have been a bad blogger lately. I attempted it twice last week and it didn't upload right, so I quit trying. Here are some picture on Labor Day. We didn't do too much. We went to the park and rode bikes. Jay went hunting over the weekend and the kids and I went to Stockton Lake. I will post pictures soon of the lake. Hope everyone is doing well. I will try to update the blog a little more often.

Love, Janna

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